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New plans of the LZC Media Gallery

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Since 2010, Białystok Cultural Centre has implemented the biggest project about oral history in our region named Mediateka CLZ. We have collected over 13000 digital copies of photos and documents, we created a studio to digitize and Multimedia Lab, where people can use substantial part of the collection for free.

Thanks to the funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in the amount of 192600 PLN, by the end of 2019 at least 50 consecutive reports and 3,000 digitized archives will have been prepared and shared. In addition, new educational materials will be prepared, including instructions how to record memories of history witnesses.

All these activities would not have been possible without the support of the residents of Białystok. So far, about 300 people have told their stories, another several hundred have decided to share home archives.