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/Łanuszka, Kasprzycki, Volodia
concerts on the terrace of CLZ
July - August 2016
pass for all concerts 50 zł
only 01.07.2016 at the box office CLZ

Welcome to the sixth edition of concerts in CLZ. This year we have prepared for summer evenings special blend of male playing in the poetic setting. For starters hear ballads Canadian bard Leonard Cohen performed wieliczanina - Michael Łanuszki. Then, on our stage occurs Robert Kasprzycki with their extremely intriguing songs, from "Heaven to rent" to the latest songs. And finally a real treat for lovers of the classics - Project Volodia and songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, in modern arrangements.

All concerts are held on the terrace of CLZ. The terrace is covered, but the evenings - even years - can be quite cool. So we feel free to take warmer clothes and even blankets.


01.07.2016 (Friday) at 8 pm
Michał Łanuszka
ticket: 20 PLN in presale / 30 PLN on the day of the concert

22.07.2016 (Friday) at 8 pm
Robert Kasprzycki
ticket: 20 zł in presale / 30 zł on the day of the concert

05.08.2016 (Friday) at 8 pm
The Volodia Project
ticket: 20 zł in presale / 30 zł on the day of the concert