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Meadow Quartet

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/72. anniversary of the uprising ghetto in Bialystok
16.08.2015 (Sunday), at 8 pm
free entrance

August 16 is the day on which we commemorate the heroes of Jewish Bialystok - of insurgents, who in the summer of 1943. Desperate act of armed attempted to oppose the ruthless machinery of the Holocaust. As every year, on this occasion we invite you to a special concert. On the terrace CLZ traditional Jewish music sound modern, jazz arrangements - performed by Meadow Quartet.

In his work clashing influences of contemporary chamber music, jazz, improvised music, film music and fundamental binders - traditional Jewish music. Meadow Quartet at their concerts hosted Renowned musicians, including Jaroslaw Bester and Saulius Petreikisa, furthermore band's music was used in the film Rosa Alba. The team has won the second prize at the XVI Festival of Polish Radio New Folk Tradition in 2013.

Meadow Quartet debut album is an album "Unexpected", released in 2012 years. The second album, "The erstwhile Heroes", with the Lithuanian percussionist Tomas Dobrovolskisem, was released in July 2013. Gazeta Wyborcza has been identified as one of the major launches 2013 years in Poland.


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