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Religion in the comic

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Opening: 07.11.2014 (Friday), at 6 pm to 8 pm
During the opening at 6.30 pm lecture Tomasz Marciniak "The story of the comic religious perspective"
Curator: Wojciech Łowicki
exhibition open to: 18.01.2015

The whole world, certainly, and the universe revolves around matters of religion, tradition, or mythology. The old beliefs are transmitted from an infinite number of generations. Depending on the origin, people believe in different gods, others doubt again, they are not hesitant to deny the existence of "force majeure". Both some and others have something to say about religion. The creators of the comic book is no exception.

With the exhibition Religion in the comic plunge into the abyss of time, traverse the galaxy, visit the saints in moments of mystical ecstasy, visit the paradise (and hell!). Sometimes you smile, sometimes zamyślimy, and above all know the rich world of imagination of comic artists who picked up the tradition and history, trying to make things universal.

Representatives of mainstream science-fiction present visions of other worlds and other non-existent (though, who knows ...) gods from the far corners of the cosmos. We will show the work of cartoonists operating in accordance with the recommendations of the communist propaganda, there will also be the work of Polish underground 90s.
Wojciech Łowicki, curator of the exhibition

Tomasz Marciniak
born. , 1966., Researcher, educator and sociologist of culture, dealing with national minorities, migration processes and mass culture. Several fold judge at the International Festival of Comics, the guest of honor X. Komiksologicznego Symposium in Lodz. Author of the book "Comics Polish. Values ​​and artistic achievements in the context of social history" (2014), scenarios (m. Al. Bohdan Butenko for, Szarloty Paul-Kroll, Alexandra Spanowicz), dozens of analytical and critical texts about comics. President of the titular STUDIO COMICS POLISH sp. O.o The speaker at the exhibitions of the "Four seasons of satire and comic" Wojciech Łowicz. One of the founders of the Association of Comics in Torun. Co-director and co-projects: Orbital Comics. 540th anniversary of the birth Astronomer (2013) and two-stroke engine: music and comics (2014). The holder of the honorary awards of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage,, Merit for Polish Culture "(June 2014).

Wojciech Łowicki
born. 1972, A graduate of Museology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In 1997. Organized the pioneering exhibition about the history of comics Polish Fri "Comics Polish 1957-1991". Editor of the satirical comic "Qriozum". Comic creator department Polish District Museum in Toruń. Chief curator of the International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź. By a series of exhibitions "Four Seasons of satire and comic book." By popular essays under the title "History of balloon." He writes about comics for Sadurski.com and Gildia.pl. Works with many museums and galleries in the country (National Museum in Szczecin, Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz, Les Artes Gallery in Torun, IPN 'Stop History' in Warsaw). Activist of the Museum of Comics Polish. Originator, co-organizer and artistic director of the festival Torun first comic two-stroke engine. The precursor of the Polish market of the original comic boards. For exhibition activity honored by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bogdan Zdrojewski distinction "Merit for Polish Culture."


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