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CLZ for Days of the City of Bialystok

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Description of Customs at the time of Isabella Branicka
workshops, presentations, tours, photographic studio
21.06.2015 (Sunday) in the chair. 11.00-17.00
Venue: Palace Branickich
Registration for workshops and presentations tel. 85 67 67 367, danilewicz@centrumzamenhofa.pl
The number of places is limited
free entry

Ludwik Zamenhof Center, and Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy UMB invite you to celebrate the Days of the City of Bialystok in... Palace! In the ancestral seat of Branickich we prepared for you a lot of attractions, approximating a time when the hostess was here Izabela Branicka. In the first place we look to her alcove and wardrobe. We find here dresses, coats, wigs and even mansions that will help you transform into ladies and bachelors from the mid-eighteenth century. Stylish dressing will be able to capture in a photo studio, photography print on the spot. Costume, mansion, etiquette and customs of that era are the topics of this year's attractions. In addition, people who visit us that day will receive a commemorative fans, which can be personally decorate!

At all events free admission, but on workshops and presentations in force prior registration! Do not wait so from records until the last minute! All events take place in the Branicki Palace.


  • 11:00-17:00  O-fangled portraits - photo session
    Volunteers will be able to wear a dress and a wig from the era Branickich and shoot in our studio.
    Important! The number of places is limited, the order will decide the order of applications when entering the studio!

  • 11:00-17:00  The body ailments and their kurowaniu
    Visiting the palace interiors and Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy UMB with a guide.

  • 11:00 and 14:00  Fashionable ladies hats
    Workshops making decorative hats in the French style, practical history of dress and court etiquette.
    Leading: Sylvia Majewska and Eve Nuthatch
    Age of participants: 8+
    Time: 60 min
    Apply records

  • 12:30 and 15:30 Explained ball for ladies and bachelors
    Court dance workshops, bows and dygania, practical history of dress and court etiquette.
    Leading: Sylvia Majewska and Eve Nuthatch
    Age of participants: 8+
    Time: 60 min
    Apply records

  • 13:00  Aristocratic escape from reality - dramatization of the life and dreams of Arcadia
    The presentation using props from the era.
    Leading: Anna Nurzyńska
    Time: 90 minutes
    Apply records

  • 15:00  Directed by body - education dam in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as the pursuit of beauty
    The presentation using props from the era.
    Leading: Anna Nurzyńska
    Time: 90 minutes
    Apply records

Anna Nurzyńska

costume designer, engaged in historical dress for anthropological, specializes in fashion history and customs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. She gives lectures and workshops, embroidery creates a contemporary and historical plays embroidery, and also collects silk fabrics from the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Sylwia Majewska

she graduated pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. She is the founder and the director of Dance Ensemble of Old PAWANILIA. For years, she is interested in fashion, especially the former. This leads in Warsaw Studio Suit THEATRUM where focuses on historical clothing.

Ewa Bargiel

she graduated from Polish Studies at Warsaw University and music school in violin class. For several years, dancing in the Team Dance of Old PAWANILIA. It is also interested in the history of clothing. In his free time he is doing frywolitkowe drobiażdżki and sparkles with beads.

Days of the City of Bialystok held under the Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Białystok


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