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CLZ for Days of the City of Bialystok

Przejdź do - CLZ for Days of the City of Bialystok

Ludwik Zamenhof Center, and Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy UMB invite you to celebrate the Days of the City of Bialystok in... Palace! In the ancestral seat of Branickich we prepared for you a lot of attractions, approximating a time when the hostess was here Izabela Branicka.

21 czerwca 2015
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How write for equality?

Przejdź do - How write for equality?

If you want to learn how to use media tools to counter discrimination, how to mobilize communities into action and start working with Amnesty International, are invited to participate.

13 czerwca 2015
Czytaj więcej o: How write for equality?

Over Narwia

Przejdź do - Over Narwia

Publisher album - Neighbors Foundation and The Ludwik Zamenhof Center invite you to a meeting with author Jerzy Samusikiem, who will talk about wandering riverbank.

11 czerwca 2015
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sharing each other vol.2

Przejdź do - sharing each other vol.2

The Ludwik Zamenhof Center invites employees Podlasie cultural institutions for training in the availability of electronic information, websites, documents and digital media, international standard WCAG 2.0 accessibility and the creation of accessible digital content.

3 czerwca 2015
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Entanglement - literary meeting

Przejdź do - Entanglement - literary meeting

Ludwik Zamenhof Center, Fundation University of Białystok and Publishing FORMA invite you to a meeting with Agnieszka Masłowiecką, author of the book "Entanglement".

17 kwietnia 2015
Czytaj więcej o: Entanglement - literary meeting