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Comic book about Ludwik Zamenhof
/comic panel exhibition

The exhibition “Doctor ESPERANTO. Comic book about Ludwik Zamenhof” is an attempt to familiarize the public with the person of Ludwik Zamenhof. The displayed panels come from the book published by the Ludwik Zamenhof Centre in 2014. Wojciech Łowicki was the scriptwriter and the drawings were made by Daniel Baum.

We chose the form of a comic book to tell the story of Ludwik Zamenhof in order to create a publication attractive to young audience. At the same time, we tried to make the book contain as many facts as possible from the life of Zamenhof himself and at least a minimal amount of information related to the historical period, when Esperanto was created and developed.

On the occasion of the centennial of the death of Ludwik Zamenhof, the year 2017 is internationally celebrated as the Ludwik Zamenhof’s Year (as declared by UNESCO). We have prepared this exhibition to celebrate the most popular person born in Białystok.