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(Lasting) Traces

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/Iga Drobisz
opening 17.06.2016 (Friday), at 6 pm to 8 pm
exhibition of The Emigrated
exhibition open until: 22.07.2016

Native Americans of both Americas have interested me since childhood. Growing up, I learned that the fate of most ethnic groups from those continents was not as colorful as illustrations in books about the rituals, medicine, culture, which I looked through as a child. Not so long ago I have realized what problems those people has to struggle currently and I decided to create a photographic essay (LASTING) TRACES. Main characters of the black-and-white series are descendants of the native tribes of North and South America.
Starting in 2012, I did not know what to expect. I was not prepared for the many difficult stories that I heard or, quite frequently, the lack of trust. Before the first trip to the US I had no contact with either one person who is a descendant of Native AmericansFour years have passed, and I still believe that answers to my questions are yet to come. Why am I doing this? What does this project mean to me?
I am interested in the story of each person. I do not quote them at the exhibition, do not want to compare them. My goal is a combination of all the stories into one narration. The title – (LASTING) TRACES – I chose when I saw the statistics, showing that 6% of Americans believe that all American Indians perished.
Sometimes I think, that in addition to ordinary interest, my action is a part of the so-called “White guilt”*. But I am not an activist, nor an ethnologist; what I do is attracting people's attention by the photography to this so important, in my opinion, issue.
On the other hand, another day I hold the camera and set all thoughts on the side. I focus only on the face, unique beauty and take photos. Then I look at the portrait and I am satisfied that I was able to capture this unrepeatable moment.
Iga Drobisz

* Individual or collective guilt felt by some white people for harm resulting from racist treatment of ethnic minorities by whites both historically and currently. White guilt has been described as one of the psychosocial costs of racism for white individuals along with empathy (sadness and anger) for victims of racism and fear of non-whites.

Iga Drobisz
Was born in 1991 in Bialystok. Just after graduation, she packed a suitcase and has traveled the world since then. Self-educated, she has experimented with photography since the age of thirteen. She uses both analogue and digital cameras. In her case, the style of both techniques is, however, quite similar, idiosyncratic. As a young photographer, she has published in such magazines as: Amica, Stern, Rolling Stone Magazine, Wysokie Obcasy (High Heels), Marie Claire. She has taken photos to such personalities as: Jack White, Jamie Foxx, Chet Faker, Q-Tip.

The Emigrated
A series of exhibitions presenting the achievements of young artists from Bialystok, who currently live and work in other parts of Poland and the world. Since 2012 in CLZ has been exhibited, among others, Paweł Iwaniuk, Adam Romuald Kłodecki, Rafal Siderski, Patryk Chwastek, Robert Szczebiot, Paweł Naumowicz, Karol Grygoruk, Gosia Żuk.