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Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

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exhibition opening: November 25, 2022, 18:00
exhibition open until January 8, 2023 from 10:00 to 17:00 (except Mondays)
free admission

Crafts such as metal, textile and leather used to be thriving in Białystok. A large number of small workshops have stood the test of time and are most often located in the same place as several years ago. Places hidden in the corners of the streets are sometimes unnoticed, but when we find ourselves inside, they intrigue us with the atmosphere of the past era. It can be felt that the owners are characterized not only by a passion for their profession, but also by a secret bond with the place and tools. Everyone of them has a story worth telling.


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    Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

  • Powiększ zdjęcie Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

    Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

  • Powiększ zdjęcie Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

    Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

  • Powiększ zdjęcie Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans

    Jakub Jaroszewicz: Białystok Artisans