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Linocut workshop

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Linocut workshop aims to familiarize participants with one of the graphic techniques of relief printing, which, inter alia, uses leading and author CLZ presented in the exhibition "Prologue" Paweł Naumowicz.

28 lutego - 1 marca 2015
Czytaj więcej o: Linocut workshop

Holidays with blocks

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The theme of this year's LEGO is architecture of Bialystok, including the most famous temples. Two of them - the Church of St. Roch and Orthodox church of St. Nicholas - built from Lego bricks in 1:50 scale. This means that in our room tall buildings built nearly five feet!

26 stycznia - 15 lutego 2015
Czytaj więcej o: Holidays with blocks

Karpowicz, Nesterowicz, Radziewicz

Przejdź do - Karpowicz, Nesterowicz, Radziewicz

CLZ offers a unique copyright meeting with writers nominated for The Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award of the President of Bialystok the best book of 2014 years.

12 lutego 2015
Czytaj więcej o: Karpowicz, Nesterowicz, Radziewicz