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18th Białystok Zamenhof Days

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Białystok Zamenhof Days will summarize the Zamenhof Year announced by UNESCO.

15 - 17 grudnia 2017
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158th birthday of Ludwik Zamenhof

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Premiere show of two animated films about Ludwik Zamenhof.

15 grudnia 2017
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Maciej Fortuna: Esperanto Songs

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Concert of Maciej Fortuna's compositions for poems in Esperanto at Fama Club.

15 grudnia 2017
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Białystok Tower of Babel

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On the occasion of the centennial of the death of Ludwik Zamenhof, the year 2017 is internationally celebrated as the Ludwik Zamenhof’s Year (as declared by UNESCO). To commemorate the most famous person born in Białystok we invite you to free workshops combining education with fun.

29 marca - 14 grudnia 2017
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Summary of "e-Mediateka CLZ" project

Przejdź do - Summary of "e-Mediateka CLZ" project

So far, we have collected over 200 stories from the inhabitants of Białystok and over 10,000 digitalized iconographic materials.

12 grudnia 2017
Czytaj więcej o: Summary of "e-Mediateka CLZ" project