Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

A fish rots from the head down

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/Robert Szczebiot
opening: 30.05.2014 (Friday), at 6 pm - 8 pm
exhibition will be open until: 13.07.2014

A fish rots from the head down
is an exhibition which hides both the secret and anxiety. The artworks figuratively shows human nature. Images from the border of dreams are characterized by strong contrasts, playing with light, shadow and by various invoices. Cycle of “A fish rots from the head down” has been initiated during the study of the Artist. On that time was established first artwork made in the traditional technique of lithography on the stone “Mammon”. TDuring the creation artworks were deviated from the original design by changing its forms, compositions and themes. The artist in his work leaves from defined framework technique, he is combining stylistics that are characteristic for different eras. He is using gold, silver and resins.


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