Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Awesome holidays

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exhibition flying models
opening: 26.06.2015 (Friday), at 6 pm to 8 pm
exhibition open until: 30.08.2015

Since antiquity, man wanted to rise to the skies and reach the sky. It's a big dream reflected in the myths and legends of almost all civilizations: Greece, China, India ... Icarus and Daedalus escaped from Crete with wings made of feathers and wax. China had your flying Emperor Shun, and India a flying horse of King Vikramaditya. Over the years, myths have evolved into a scientific plans. Leonardo da Vinci tried to develop a heavier-than-air flying machine already in the fifteenth century. The eternal human dream failed to meet only in the twentieth century through the plane brothers Oliver and Wilbur Wright. Their first flight took place in December 1903. Driven by an internal combustion engine machine he broke the ground for several seconds and overcame staggering distance ... 37 meters. Less than 70 years later, on 20 July 1969, manned spaceship Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Launched in the twentieth century, the rapid development of aviation is still ongoing. Although flying and airplanes have become part of everyday life, it continues to fascinate new generations of people associated with aviation - pilots, designers, modellers. Aviation strongly marked its presence also in Bialystok. Białystok Flying Club will soon be celebrated the 70th anniversary of existence.

CLZ, in cooperation with people form białostok who passionate about aviation, organized an exhibition entitled "Awesome holidays". We present it hosts more than 100 copies of model airplanes that arose in the twentieth century. We find here the planes - legends like English Spitfire, German Messerschmitt or Polish moose and dozens of other flying machines. Most of the models created in 1:72 scale, but also expose sports models that reach sizes up to 3 m wide and 1.5 m long! Bialystok athletes have won medals at the World Championships, European and Polish.

A kind of audio-visual guide of the exhibition are recorded on video excerpts of interviews with bialystok airmen and modelers, seniors aviation and current members of the Aeroclub of Bialystok. All thirteen interviews is over sixteen hours of recordings provide free of Mediateka CLZ.

The models presented in the exhibition come from the collection: Stanisława Kalemby, Jarosława Kalaty, Artura Wróbla, Jerzego Dzienisa, Jerzego Łapińskiego, Andrzeja Poczobuta, Tomasza Sobieszuka.
