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Eyewetnesses of history wanted!

Przejdź do - Eyewetnesses of history wanted!

We start a new project to recording in multimedia archive of oral history of the city Media gallery CLZ - Starosielce. Together, we want to document the history of one of the most interesting districts of Bialystok.

Czytaj więcej o: Eyewetnesses of history wanted!

Bieżeństwo. Distance and returns 1915-1922

Przejdź do - Bieżeństwo. Distance and returns 1915-1922

Museum of Homeland in Studziwodach and the Ludwik Zamenhof Center invite you to a meeting with Doroteusz Fioniki around the book "Bieżeństwo. Distance and returns 1915-1922".

11 marca 2016
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The Wieslaw Kazanecki Award

Przejdź do - The Wieslaw Kazanecki Award

The President of Bialystok Tadeusz Truskolaski would like to invite you to the Award Ceremony of the Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award of the President of Bialystok for the best book of 2015.

4 marca 2016
Czytaj więcej o: The Wieslaw Kazanecki Award


Przejdź do - EREM

A meeting around the album "EREM" with Katarzyna Citko - author of poems and Wojciech Biegańskim - author of photography.

22 kwietnia 2016
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Meeting with writers

Przejdź do - Meeting with writers

Four books are nominated to this year The Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award. Before we find out who win, we invite you for a meeting with all the writers. This extraordinary evening will be hosted by radio journalist - Andrzej Bajguz.

25 lutego 2016
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