Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Two publications under the patronage of the Ludwik Zamenhof Center

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In November, two publications are issued under the patronage of the Ludwik Zamenhof Center. These are: "Doctor Esperanto and the Language of Hope" and the new issue of the "Karta" quarterly.

"Doctor Esperanto and the Language of Hope" is the only children's book about the creation of Esperanto, which also introduces adults to Ludwik Zamenhof's remarkable work.

Mara Rockliff uses her unique talent to tell the forgotten story of a young man who saw an opportunity while others only saw barriers. Illustrated by Zosia Dzierżawska, the book delights both with its images and words, bringing the history of Esperanto to life. It was published by the Mamania publishing house.

The topic of the "Karta" 105/2020 issue is Ludwik Zamenhof's extraordinary achievement: the Esperanto language - a story about the birth and development of the most popular artificial language, about the motivation of its creator - Ludwik Zamenhof, and about the role that Esperanto played in various periods - until today. Texts by Polish and foreign enthusiasts and critics of the universal language, including statements by Julian Tuwim and Leszek Kołakowski.