Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Memories of Białystok Scouting

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/100 years of Polish Scouting and Guiding Association in Białystok Region
exhibition opening: 06.08.2018 (Friday), 6 PM
exhibition open until 07.29.2018

It is not a coincidence that the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association celebrates its 100 years together with Poland. The first scout teams had started forming before 1918 and immediately joined in the fight, and then the reconstruction of the free Homeland. Zbigniew Kamionowski, a former commander of the Białystok Banner said: “Scouting raises people who are not indifferent”.

The exhibition of archival materials will show the way the Białystok Banner of the PSGA has went since its creation in 1912, through regaining independence, World War II and the People’s Republic of Poland. All the time – officially or not – teaching ideals and patriotic values.



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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening

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    "Memories of Białystok Scouting" exhibition opening