Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Movie posters making master classes for children

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/event within the ¿Underground/Independent? 2018 festival
date: March 18th, 2018 r. (Sunday), 11 AM - 3 PM
age: 5-12
fee: 10 PLN
signing up:
hosts: Iza Gawkowska, Daniel Bak, Paweł Karczewski

The participants will get acquainted with the topic of creating posters and see examples of movie posters. During the master classes, they will talk about their favourite films and create posters in their chosen technique.

Attention! You’ll need aprons or a change of clothes.

Joanna Jurczak
Designer, illustrator, creator of animation, author of educational projects for Zachęta Art Gallery and Wilanów Palace Museum among others. She has conducted workshops for children and youth at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. She co-created film projects, including for the Czech Institute in Warsaw. She was creating television and cinema animations.

complete schedule of the festival