Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

Colourful summer holiday

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June 19th – July 28th, 2017

age: 6-14
duration: 60 min.
fee: 10 zł
groups of up to 25 people are welcome
please, make reservations a week in advance
signing up: tel. +48 85 67 67 367

Holiday is getting closer and closer, and - as you know - during the holiday it’s best to have fun and rest. We invite you to the workshops based on our exhibitions, because we care, that you could broaden your knowledge and develop imagination.

Check out what we have prepared for you!

(one topic to choose from)

We build Białystok
The workshops start with viewing the exhibition “brings together grief and joy”. The artist, Iza Rogucka, used projections of buildings from Białystok and the region. The participants will gain basic information on the construction of buildings, the need to prepare architectural plans. In the practical part of the workshops, the children will construct new buildings with paper with existing plans, basing on architectural projections used by the artist. Białystok will emerge with new buildings.

Illustrated Esperanto dictionary
The workshops start with viewing the exhibition “What’s under “Z”?” by Marcin Czarnopyś. The participants will learn about Esperantist, painter, and traveller Antoni Głowadzki. In the practical part of the workshops, the participants will help to create the unfinished “Illustrated Esperanto dictionary”. They will receive a designed card from the dictionary, which will have to be completed with a definition and images, using various plastic techniques.   

Białystok kaleidoscope
The workshops start with viewing the exhibition “brings together grief and joy”. The artist, Iza Rogucka, used projections of buildings from Białystok and the region. Following the artist’s idea, the children will create their own works, referring to the colourful images from the kaleidoscope. You will have to use your imagination.