Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

European Night of Museums

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/big and small travels
May 14th, 2016 (Saturday), at 1 pm - 12 am

During this year European Night of Museums the Ludwik Zamenhof Center changes in free cultural travel agency. You have to choose from several different destinations. We invite you to travel close: the Bialystok as part of the City Games - Meet Bialystok 2016 "we break the architecture" and Podlasie, the exhibition "Listening to" Olesia Sekeresh. We will take you to distant corners of the world - the Balkans we will go through photographs by Gosia Zuk, and to China - under the leadership of Christopher Szubzdy and team TENOITAO. We have also prepared time travel. Until the nineteenth-century Bialystok move to permanent exhibition in TBN. The journey through the decades of the twentieth century will take us time machine called Mediateka TBN. And in the world of childhood we go through the Hall of games. In another, this time an international journey, with Przemek Wierzbowskim as your guide, you have the opportunity to meet the basics of Esperanto in 15 minutes.