Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

ARTpasja - a series of art workshops

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Weaving, sculpture, graphics and animation - these four techniques course will introduce participants to a professional artist with Supraśl school. The workshop will allow the new experience of working with various materials, as well as building workshop based on personal experience and skills.


A series of art workshops conducted by the School of Art teacher. Arthur Grottgera in Supraśl
age of participants: from 13 to 100 years
fee: 10 zł per person for one workshop
Duration: approx. 180 min
records and details: tel. 85 6767367
materials needed for the workshop provides CLZ

ARTpasja cycle is to awaken young people's interest in various fields of art and to encourage them to deal with their artistic abilities.

In particular, we invite people who discover that they have an interest in art and the development of its space. Contact with professional artists, consultation and joint work will help in further professional decisions and choices. Each meeting will be thematically related to the culture of Podlasie.

So rich set of professional and interesting workshops does not happen often!



  • 14.03.2015 (Saturday), at. 10 am
    Stop-motion animation workshop
    Hosted by Agnieszka Waszczeniuk
  • 14.03.2015 (Saturday), at. 2 pm
    Sculpture Workshop
    Hosted by Paulina Horba
  • 21.03.2015 (Saturday), at. 10 am
    Hosted by Urszula Nagórna
  • 21.03.2015 (Saturday), at. 2 pm
    Graphics Workshop
    Leading: Gośka Józefowicz


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