Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury

The Wieslaw Kazanecki Award

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The Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award of the President of Bialystok
award ceremony
March 4th, 2016 at 6 pm
The Ludwik Zamenhof Centre

The President of Bialystok Tadeusz Truskolaski would like to invite you to the Award Ceremony of the Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award of the President of Bialystok for the best book of 2015.

The nominations to the Literary Award of the President of Bialystok for the best book of 2015:

Anna Kamińska - „Simona. Opowieść o niezwyczajnym życiu Simony Kossak”,
Michał Książek - „Droga 816”,
Jerzy Plutowicz - for the whole of the previous works (including books „Jesień 2014”),
Janusz Taranienko - „Przeszłości”.

More information about the award:

Honourary partons: